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We welcome, connect & empower.

The International Institute of Buffalo makes Western New York a better place for, and because of, immigrants and refugees.

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Encouraging our region’s support for diverse cultures

For over 100 years, we’ve welcomed foreign-born families and individuals and supported their journey to a new future in our community, regardless of race or religion. Their stories and cultures are ingrained in Buffalo’s history and will continue to enhance its resurgence.

How We Help

Person in foreground lays in grass with other people around him, all smiling
New American Integration

We guide foreign-born individuals as they transition into their new lives through resettlement, employment and education.

Employment Services

Our team trains and places New Americans in jobs throughout the region and provides employers with resources to help them succeed.

Interpreting & Translation

We connect those in need with professional interpretation and translation services in more than 100 languages for a range of industries.


Our team partners with local groups and organizations to promote understanding of different cultures.

International Exchanges

We bring professionals and leaders from around the world to our city, facilitating discussions on current global issues.


Your support allows us to continue providing new homes and essential services to immigrants and refugees.

Support our Cause

Give to IIB

Your donations help provide critical support for our clients.

Donate Today

864 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14209
(716) 883-1900

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Contact Us


Every purchase supplies our clients’ daily and household needs.


Get involved with a group dedicated to helping others.

Learn More

864 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14209
(716) 883-1900

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Contact Us

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