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Good News

December 2023 Newsletter

By Newsletter
The latest and the greatest information from the International Institute of Buffalo in the form of our December 2023 Newsletter Get more information about: A look back on 2023 and IIB plans for 2024 from Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi Coverage of a visiting delegates from Nepal IIB media mentions including coverage from the Buffalo News about area businesses hiring refugees,…
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Erie County Legislature Passes Language Access Act

By I/T Service Update, News
Erie County will soon start translating vital documents into its top six languages spoken, in addition to having interpreters available in county offices. It's all part of the new Language Access Act, passed yesterday by the legislature on a 7-4 vote. The move will ensure essential information is readily available to thousands of local folks who previously didn’t have access.…
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Accuweather Features IIB’s Expanded Winter Weather Prep Instructions

By Education, In the Community, Media Mentions
Photo Credit: Bill Wadell, AccuWeather A national weather-centric media service featured the International Institute of Buffalo's efforts to help New Americans adequately prepare for Western New York's winters. AccuWeather featured Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi, who emphasized the importance of access to lifesaving information, including for those who may not speak English. "The fact of Buffalo in the winter is the…
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IIB in the Media! Buffalo News Features Local Businesses Thriving with Refugee, Immigrant Hiring

By Media Mentions, News
Photo Credit: Derek Gee, Buffalo News The Buffalo News recently interviewed Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi about the many advantages employers across Western New York find in local refugee and immigrant communities, part of an in-depth piece into how and why immigrants are integral in bridging hiring gaps for regional businesses. “To have a steady increase in people coming here who are…
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Amudu Salongo

Meet the Linguist! Amudu Salongo, Multi-Lingual Interpreter from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

By I/T Service Update
On January 17, 2024, Amudu Salongo will celebrate one year in the US. Amudu was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of the Congo but fled to Uganda, where he spent ten years. Swahili is his first language (including the Congolese, Kenyan, and Tanzanian dialects), but he also speaks English, French, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Lingala, and Luganda. Mr. Salongo currently…
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Buffalo News Features Nepalese Delegation Hosted by IIB

By In the Community, Media Mentions, News
Photo Credit: Libby March, Buffalo News The Buffalo News recently featured the Nepalese officials we recently hosted in Western New York. It's one of many international delegations we coordinate annually, part of the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). The stop in Western New York was one of the group's three across the country. The group focused on…
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Upwardly Global Features IIB’s Professional Pathways Program

By Education, In the Community

Upwardly Global, a national program that promotes the hiring of immigrants and refugees, put our successful Professional Pathways program in the spotlight!  Sponsored by the NYS Office of New Americans, Professional Pathways helps high-skilled refugees and immigrants re-enter their careers or continue in higher education. Our partnership with Upwardly Global bolsters our mission, providing additional expertise and services.  Denise Beehag,…

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Gilbane’s EmpoWer Initiative Helps Brighten Season for Newly Arrived Refugee Family

By Donations, In the Community
Representatives from Gilbane Building Company recently stopped by our Delaware Avenue location this week to brighten the season for a New American Family. They dropped off a large gift package with multiple snow shovels, a vacuum, blankets, and a television. It's all part of our Gifts for Good Neighbors program to help our city's newest neighbors integrate into the community…
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IIB Supports Increased Language Access in New York State

By I/T Service Update, In the Community, News
Jennifer Ulrich, IIB's Lead Coordinator of Interpreting and Translation, represented the International Institute of Buffalo in voting for expanded language access in New York during a Partnership for the Public Good meeting to select 2024 community agenda proposals. The proposal, represented in Plank 15, was submitted by the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and focuses on leveling the field when…
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