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In the Community23

Karina Krantz

Former Ukranian Refugee Client Opens New Market, Gives Back to IIB

By Events, In the Community, News
Karina Krantz, one of our former refugee clients from Ukraine, officially opened the doors to her new boutique market in Pendleton. Filled with Love Buffalo Market focuses on offering options for healthier and diverse foods, beverages, and other specialty items. It features a wide selection of Eastern European delicacies, organic foods, and additional products sourced from local farmers and businesses.…
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IIB Welcomes 44 New Americans from 22 Countries!

By In the Community, News
We were honored to welcome 44 New Americans from 22 countries while they took their citizenship oaths at the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Naturalization Ceremony in downtown Buffalo this morning. Here are the countries from which these new American citizens traveled:  Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Canada, Congo, Cyprus, Egypt, Eritrea, India, Jamaica, Korea, South Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka,…
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IIB Part of North Park Theatre’s Cabrini Movie Debut Screenings

By Events, In the Community
This week, the International Institute of Buffalo participated in events celebrating the screenings of Cabrini at the North Park Theatre. The movie, partially filmed locally, spotlights the canonized Catholic nun and the patron saint of immigrants, Mother Cabrini. The producers tapped the talents of various Western New Yorkers for help.  Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi and New American Integration Director Denise Phillips…
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Jennifer Rizzo Choi

In the Community: Jennifer Rizzo-Choi at Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site

By Education, Events, In the Community
IB Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi discussed the issue of immigration during Theodore Roosevelt's lifetime, dispelled persisting myths about immigrants, and underscored the positive impacts that New Americans have in Western New York during her presentation, "Immigration Will Always be an American Story."  She also discussed the important work of assisting newly arrived Americans in our community. The presentation was part…
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Accuweather Features IIB’s Expanded Winter Weather Prep Instructions

By Education, In the Community, Media Mentions
Photo Credit: Bill Wadell, AccuWeather A national weather-centric media service featured the International Institute of Buffalo's efforts to help New Americans adequately prepare for Western New York's winters. AccuWeather featured Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi, who emphasized the importance of access to lifesaving information, including for those who may not speak English. "The fact of Buffalo in the winter is the…
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Buffalo News Features Nepalese Delegation Hosted by IIB

By In the Community, Media Mentions, News
Photo Credit: Libby March, Buffalo News The Buffalo News recently featured the Nepalese officials we recently hosted in Western New York. It's one of many international delegations we coordinate annually, part of the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). The stop in Western New York was one of the group's three across the country. The group focused on…
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Upwardly Global Features IIB’s Professional Pathways Program

By Education, In the Community

Upwardly Global, a national program that promotes the hiring of immigrants and refugees, put our successful Professional Pathways program in the spotlight!  Sponsored by the NYS Office of New Americans, Professional Pathways helps high-skilled refugees and immigrants re-enter their careers or continue in higher education. Our partnership with Upwardly Global bolsters our mission, providing additional expertise and services.  Denise Beehag,…

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Gilbane’s EmpoWer Initiative Helps Brighten Season for Newly Arrived Refugee Family

By Donations, In the Community
Representatives from Gilbane Building Company recently stopped by our Delaware Avenue location this week to brighten the season for a New American Family. They dropped off a large gift package with multiple snow shovels, a vacuum, blankets, and a television. It's all part of our Gifts for Good Neighbors program to help our city's newest neighbors integrate into the community…
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IIB Supports Increased Language Access in New York State

By I/T Service Update, In the Community, News
Jennifer Ulrich, IIB's Lead Coordinator of Interpreting and Translation, represented the International Institute of Buffalo in voting for expanded language access in New York during a Partnership for the Public Good meeting to select 2024 community agenda proposals. The proposal, represented in Plank 15, was submitted by the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and focuses on leveling the field when…
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IIB on WKBW-TV: How You Can Help Spread the Word on Winter Prep

By In the Community, Media Mentions, News
In case you missed it, Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi spoke to WKBW-TV anchor Michael Wooten on set Tuesday about the life-saving winter weather information we now offer in 13 different languages. She explained why it’s so important to extend a helping hand to new neighbors who may be experiencing their first-ever winter season. From buzzwords like “lake effect” to having…
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