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Join us for our Community World Trivia Night

By October 15, 2020No Comments
After much consideration and planning we are pleased to be able to offer our annual trivia event virtually this fall, with the hope of an additional in-person competition in the spring. Community World Trivia will be held over Zoom on Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 6:00 PM. Participants will play by viewing the questions on the zoom screen and logging in to a separate platform on their phones to answer the questions.


Register here as an individual or as a team of four!


Topics will include:

Current Events

World Cuisine

History & Geography

Pop Culture

Sports, & Music

and More!

Tickets are $30 per participant. All proceeds benefit the department of InternationalExchanges and Education at the International Institute of Buffalo. Help fund our International Exchanges and Education Department programs by participating in what will surely be a fun and educational evening!
Please contact: with any questions!