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Heat Advisory: City of Buffalo Opens Cooling Centers, Extends Splash Pad Hours

By June 17, 2024No Comments

Buffalo officials have opened 12 cooling centers and extended hours at ten splash pads across the city. The announcement comes as temperatures are expected to soar into the high 80’s and 90’s throughout the week. Additionally, Buffalo Emergency Responders remind folks to limit outdoor activities during this hot spell, drink plenty of fluids, and utilize shade when possible. Those working outdoors are advised to wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen.

Buffalo’s cooling sites are not just for a specific group, they are open and accessible for everyone, including homeless individuals, or those without adequate cooling in their homes. At these centers, everyone will have access to drinking water, a place to cool off, and outlets to charge their phones.

Residents are encouraged to sign up for BuffAlert to get the latest emergency updates from the City of Buffalo. Text JOIN BUFFALERT to 30890. The non-English, multilingual language options of BuffAlert can be accessed at the URL below:

Below are the current addresses and operating hours of Buffalo’s 12 cooling centers and ten splash pads.