Our Job Club established a new partnership with Buffalo’s Central Library. Job Club is a 16-hour, comprehensive program from our New American Integration Department that prepares immigrants and refugees for employment in the U.S.
Our current Job Club class recently attended its first “Tour of the Library” as part of a new collaboration with the Central Library in downtown Buffalo. During their first visit, our clients apply for and obtain library cards, while a second visit will involve education on all library resources. Those resources include a recording studio, free family photos, study guides for GEDS and other exams, an international film and book section, and a children’s center.
Thanks to librarian Kuniko Simon, head of the library’s Information Services and Outreach operations, for her assistance in getting the project off the ground. We also want to thank Assistant Deputy Director of Development and Communications Joy Testa Cinquino for her help in launching the new collaboration. She surprised our clients on the tour by gifting copies of the book “All Are Welcome,” by Alexandra Penfold and illustrated by Suzanna Kaufman. They both made our clients feel welcome, comfortable, and encouraged them to use all the incredible resources of the library!
The International Institute of Buffalo’s Employment Program provides pre-employment training, employment placement, and post-placement services. Services include World of Work orientation, weekly job club, contextualized English Classes with industry-specific training, one-on-one remote English as a new language class, resume preparation, interview skills training, and job placement. Once a company employs a client, we provide follow-up with ongoing services and advocacy when necessary to ensure job retention.
Click here for more information on how we help New Americans.