January, 2019
Dear Friends of the Institute:
Who would have ever believed that a government shutdown would last for a full month? Service members serving our nation without pay for the first time in history. Critical government employees overseeing benefits programs furloughed. Politics at its worst. This is our new reality.
We see stories in the news every day about the serious impact the shutdown is having on the 800,000 plus federal employees who are directly affected by furloughs. We see the inconveniences caused for all people like slowdowns at airport security. And the severe and threatening consequences for some of our most vulnerable neighbors.
Many of our clients depend on government assistance when they come to the United States. Food stamps and federal housing assistance programs allow refugees to set up homes in their new communities. And while many states, including New York, worked to get the February assistance out early, there is currently no way of knowing if this could be the last bit of help for the foreseeable future. Cutting off the most basic necessities to those in need should be unthinkable in a civilized society, but today it is a fact of life.
As this shutdown continues, e have no way of predicting what will happen next. Not only will our clients suffer, but many of the programs at the Institute benefiting those in need are in jeopardy. The shutdown may slow funding we receive to support our Resettlement, Employment and Human Trafficking programs. Holding people hostage, especially people in need, is not the way to govern in this or any society. Tell the leaders in Washington to open the government and get on with the work the country sent them there to do.
Your help is urgently needed to call upon the leaders in the federal government to do everything in their power to work for the good of the people living in the United States, find a way to come together and END THIS SHUTDOWN as soon as possible. Please call your representatives below to demand that they reopen the Federal Government as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support and assistance.
President Donald Trump 202-456-1111
Senate Leadership
Senator Mitch McConnell 202-224-2541
Senator Charles Schumer 716-846-4111
House Leadership
Speaker Nancy Pelosi 202-225-4965
Congressman Kevin McCarthy 202-225-2915
NYS Representatives
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand 716-854-9725
Congressman Brian Higgins 716-852-3501
Congressman Chris Collins 716-694-2624
Congressman Tom Reed 716-708-6369
With gratitude,
Eva Hassett
Executive Director