Immigrants and refugees add to the vibrancy of our nation.
As a nation of immigrants and refugees, America has been the historical destination of “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” and those who are persecuted for their race, religion, political opinion, gender, or social group.
In these politically divisive times, it’s easy to get distracted and swept up in the rhetoric surrounding migration. However, this is not a political party issue, it is an American issue.
The following information is offered to educate and inform.
What is the difference between an immigrant, refugee, and asylum seeker? Executive Director Jennifer Rizzo-Choi explains the important distinctions.
Dispelling Myths About Immigrants and Refugees
Statistics- Buffalo Niagara Metro Region
Number of Immigrants: 73,886
10.4 percent of Buffalo are foreign-born
7.2 percent of Erie County are foreign-born
Immigrant Household Income: $2.1 billion
Immigrant Taxes Paid: $643.3 million
- State & Local Taxes: $258.8 million
- Federal Taxes: $384.5 million
Immigrant Spending Power: $1.5 billion
Number of Immigrant Entrepreneurs: 3,288
Number of Eligible Immigrant Voters: 35, 626
Immigrant Homeowners: 15,579
Buffalo Metro Area – New American Economy 2019
American Immigration Council 5-year 2019 American Community Survey
2020 US Census (Also Here)
Research on the Value of New Americans to a Community
The last significant reduction in refugees and asylum seekers (2017-2019) cost the U.S. economy billions according to the IZA institute of Labor Economics. (May 2022)
In Buffalo, immigrants and refugees drive population growth, improve quality of life, UB expert says. (September 2021)
Most Billion-Dollar Startups In The U.S. Founded by Immigrants— Forbes July 2022 reporting on a study by the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) (July 2022).
Immigrants act more as “job creators” than “job takers” and non-U.S. born founders play outsized roles in U.S. high-growth entrepreneurship-Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the United States––National Bureau of Economic Research (September 2020).
Help make Western New York a better place for, and because of, immigrants and refugees!