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Help our Clients Beat the Heat: Fans and Other Donations Urgently Needed

By June 21, 2024June 24th, 2024No Comments

Summer is officially here and while we can now look forward to enjoying outdoor activities; swimming, beaches, patios, and everything else that comes with the seasonal weather, heat advisories have made the rounds unusually early this year. This past week’s 90-plus degree temperatures have been trying for folks around Western New York – with City splash pads and pools opening early and extending hours in rapid response.

While Summer temperatures continue to soar, keep in mind that our newly arrived refugee clients typically don’t have the benefit of air conditioning to help beat the heat during the season. Basic household donations such as fans of any size go a long way towards helping our newest American neighbors as they traverse their first summers here. Many of our newly arrived refugee clients have spent years, if not decades in United Nations refugee camps waiting for their chance to be assigned to a new country to call home. To make it as easy as possible, basic household donations such as fans can be made through our wish list and shipped to us directly. You can click here to access our updated list of urgently needed donation items.