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Today is Giving Tuesday!

By November 28, 2023No Comments

People Holding Giving Tuesday

November 28 is Giving Tuesday. What is Giving Tuesday, anyway?

(Never mind what it is! I want to make a contribution now)

Giving Tuesday is frequently described as a global philanthropic response to the blatant consumerism immediately after Thanksgiving on Black Friday and the following weekend. Instead of advocating for the acquisition of “stuff,” it offers a day of generosity to help the organizations and causes that help others and makes the world a better place.

Your support of the International Institute of Buffalo helps improve our corner of the globe. It helps us resettle people running from war and persecution and welcome them as they become an integral part of the City of Good Neighbors. It helps those who have been exploited by human trafficking and traumatized by domestic violence. It provides our community access to information in a language other than English. It opens Western New York to other nations and cultures and helps our children explore the world beyond our borders.

Your generosity today supports your favorite causes at a time when others worldwide are supporting theirs. Through financial contributions, volunteering, and gifts in kind, we respectfully ask that you give today so that we can continue to make Western New York a better place for, and because of, immigrants and refugees.